Even the vegetable world contributed to the wonders of Christmas, for
was there not the famous Glastonbury Thorn which blossomed on old
Christmas day? Legend says that this was the walking staff of Joseph
of Arimathaea, who, after Christ's de... Read more of The Glastonbury Thorn Its Legend at Christmas Story.ca
The only way out of the yard that I now was in was to descend a few stairs that led up into the centre (A) of an underground maze, through the winding of which I must pass before I could take my leave by the door (B). But I knew full well that in the great darkness of this dreadful place I might well wander for hours and yet return to the place from which I set out. How was I then to reach the door with certainty? With a plan of the maze it is but a simple matter to trace out the route, but how was the way to be found in the place itself in utter darkness?