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(Money Puzzles)
Two ladies went into a shop where, through some curious eccentricity, no
change was given, and made purchases amounting together to less than
five shillings. "Do you know," said one lady, "I find I shall require no
fewer than six current coins of the realm to pay for what I have
bought." The other lady considered a moment, and then exclaimed: "By a
peculiar coincidence, I am exactly in the same dilemma." "Then we will
pay the two bills together." But, to their astonishment, they still
required six coins. What is the smallest possible amount of their
purchases--both different?


The first purchase amounted to 1s. 53/4d., the second to 1s. 111/2d.,
and together they make 3s. 51/4d. Not one of these three amounts can be
paid in fewer than six current coins of the realm.

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