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(Money Puzzles)
"Now, constable," said the defendant's counsel in cross-examination,"
you say that the prisoner was exactly twenty-seven steps ahead of you
when you started to run after him?"
"Yes, sir."
"And you swear that he takes eight steps to your five?"
"That is so."
"Then I ask you, constable, as an intelligent man, to explain how you
ever caught him, if that is the case?"
"Well, you see, I have got a longer stride. In fact, two of my steps are
equal in length to five of the prisoner's. If you work it out, you will
find that the number of steps I required would bring me exactly to the
spot where I captured him."
Here the foreman of the jury asked for a few minutes to figure out the
number of steps the constable must have taken. Can you also say how many
steps the officer needed to catch the thief?


The constable took thirty steps. In the same time the thief would take
forty-eight, which, added to his start of twenty-seven, carried him
seventy-five steps. This distance would be exactly equal to thirty steps
of the constable.

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