Money Puzzles)
During a visit to the seaside Tommy and Evangeline insisted on having a
donkey race over the mile course on the sands. Mr. Dobson and some of
his friends whom he had met on the beach acted as judges, but, as the
donkeys were familiar acquaintances and declined to part company the
whole way, a dead heat was unavoidable. However, the judges, being
stationed at different points on the course, which was marked off in
quarter-miles, noted the following results:--The first three-quarters
were run in six and three-quarter minutes, the first half-mile took the
same time as the second half, and the third quarter was run in exactly
the same time as the last quarter. From these results Mr. Dobson amused
himself in discovering just how long it took those two donkeys to run
the whole mile. Can you give the answer?
The complete mile was run in nine minutes. From the facts stated we
cannot determine the time taken over the first and second quarter-miles
separately, but together they, of course, took four and a half minutes.
The last two quarters were run in two and a quarter minutes each.