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(Patchwork Puzzles)
If you hold the page horizontally and give it a quick rotary motion
while looking at the centre of the spiral, it will appear to revolve.
Perhaps a good many readers are acquainted with this little optical
illusion. But the puzzle is to show how I was able to draw this spiral
with so much exactitude without using anything but a pair of compasses
and the sheet of paper on which the diagram was made. How would you
proceed in such circumstances?


Make a fold in the paper, as shown by the dotted line in the
illustration. Then, taking any two points, as A and B, describe
semicircles on the line alternately from the centres B and A, being
careful to make the ends join, and the thing is done. Of course this is
not a _true_ spiral, but the puzzle was to produce the _particular_
spiral that was shown, and that was drawn in this simple manner.

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