Taxes must be in arrears for a minimum of three years before the property is registered for Tax Sale. It must pass through public process for one year before a public sale may occur. During this process; * Notices and declarations are prepa... Read more of Processing properties for Tax Sales at Tax Sale Property.orgInformational Site Network Informational
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(The Guarded Chessboard)
Starting from the ordinary arrangement of the pieces as for a game, what
is the smallest possible number of moves necessary in order to arrive at
the following position? The moves for both sides must, of course, be
played strictly in accordance with the rules of the game, though the
result will necessarily be a very weird kind of chess.


1. Kt to KB 3
2. Kt to KR 4
3. Kt to Kt 6
4. Kt takes R
5. Kt to Kt 6
6. Kt takes B
7. K takes Kt
8. Kt to QB 3
9. Kt to R 4
10. Kt to Kt 6
11. Kt takes R
12. Kt to Kt 6
13. Kt takes B
14. Kt to Q 6
15. Q to K sq
16. Kt takes Q
17. K takes Kt, and the position is reached.
Black plays precisely the same moves as White, and therefore we give one
set of moves only. The above seventeen moves are the fewest possible.

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