The Story of Mrs. C. Hood: Once upon a time during the Civil War my grandmother was alone with just one old faithful servant. The Union troops had just about taken everything she had, except three prize saddle horses and one coal black mar... Read more of C Hood at Martin Luther King.caInformational Site Network Informational
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(Patchwork Puzzles)
The diagram herewith represents two separate pieces of linoleum. The
chequered pattern is not repeated at the back, so that the pieces cannot
be turned over. The puzzle is to cut the two squares into four pieces so
that they shall fit together and form one perfect square 10 x 10, so
that the pattern shall properly match, and so that the larger piece
shall have as small a portion as possible cut from it.


There is only one solution that will enable us to retain the larger of
the two pieces with as little as possible cut from it. Fig. 1 in the
following diagram shows how the smaller piece is to be cut, and Fig. 2
how we should dissect the larger piece, while in Fig. 3 we have the new
square 10 x 10 formed by the four pieces with all the chequers properly
matched. It will be seen that the piece D contains fifty-two chequers,
and this is the largest piece that it is possible to preserve under the

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