There is no Scripture story better known than that of Naaman, the Syrian. It is memorable not only because artistically told, but because it is so full of human feeling and rapid incident, and so fertile in significant ideas. The little maid, w... Read more of NAAMAN CURED. at Difficult.caInformational Site Network Informational
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(Money Puzzles)
Marmaduke: "Do you know, dear, that in seven years' time our combined
ages will be sixty-three years?"
Mary: "Is that really so? And yet it is a fact that when you were my
present age you were twice as old as I was then. I worked it out last
Now, what are the ages of Mary and Marmaduke?
"Now, then, Tommy, how old is Rover?" Mildred's young man asked her
"Well, five years ago," was the youngster's reply, "sister was four
times older than the dog, but now she is only three times as old."
Can you tell Rover's age?


Marmaduke's age must have been twenty-nine years and two-fifths, and
Mary's nineteen years and three-fifths. When Marmaduke was aged nineteen
and three-fifths, Mary was only nine and four-fifths; so Marmaduke was
at that time twice her age.

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