When Captain W. de S. Smythe went to look over ---- House, in the neighbourhood of Blythswood Square, Glasgow, the only thing about the house he did not like was the bathroom--it struck him as excessively grim. The secret of the grimness d... Read more of House Near Blythswood Square Glasgow The Haunted Bath at Scary Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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(Measuring, Weight, and Packing Puzzles.)
"Mrs. Spooner called this morning," said the honest grocer to his
assistant. "She wants twenty pounds of tea at 2s. 41/2d. per lb. Of
course we have a good 2s. 6d. tea, a slightly inferior at 2s. 3d., and a
cheap Indian at 1s. 9d., but she is very particular always about her
"What do you propose to do?" asked the innocent assistant.
"Do?" exclaimed the grocer. "Why, just mix up the three teas in
different proportions so that the twenty pounds will work out fairly at
the lady's price. Only don't put in more of the best tea than you can
help, as we make less profit on that, and of course you will use only
our complete pound packets. Don't do any weighing."
How was the poor fellow to mix the three teas? Could you have shown him
how to do it?


There are three ways of mixing the teas. Taking them in the order of
quality, 2s. 6d., 2s. 3d., 1s. 9p., mix 16 lbs., 1 lb., 3 lbs.; or 14
lbs., 4 lbs., 2 lbs.; or 12 lbs., 7 lbs., 1 lb. In every case the
twenty pounds mixture should be worth 2s. 41/2d. per pound; but the last
case requires the smallest quantity of the best tea, therefore it is
the correct answer.

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