Once upon a time there lived a king and queen, who had an only daughter. Her incomparable beauty, sweetness, and intelligence caused her to be named Graciosa. She was all her mother's joy. Every day she had given her a different dress, of gol... Read more of Graciosa And Percinet at Children Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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(Money Puzzles)
Sometimes a very simple question in elementary arithmetic will cause a
good deal of perplexity. For example, I want to divide the four numbers,
701, 1,059, 1,417, and 2,312, by the largest number possible that will
leave the same remainder in every case. How am I to set to work Of
course, by a laborious system of trial one can in time discover the
answer, but there is quite a simple method of doing it if you can only
find it.


Subtract every number in turn from every other number, and we get 358
(twice), 716, 1,611, 1,253, and 895. Now, we see at a glance that, as
358 equals 2 x 179, the only number that can divide in every case
without a remainder will be 179. On trial we find that this is such a
divisor. Therefore, 179 is the divisor we want, which always leaves a
remainder 164 in the case of the original numbers given.

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