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(Money Puzzles)
In the illustration we have a sketch of Sir Edwyn de Tudor going to
rescue his lady-love, the fair Isabella, who was held a captive by a
neighbouring wicked baron. Sir Edwyn calculated that if he rode fifteen
miles an hour he would arrive at the castle an hour too soon, while if
he rode ten miles an hour he would get there just an hour too late. Now,
it was of the first importance that he should arrive at the exact time
appointed, in order that the rescue that he had planned should be a
success, and the time of the tryst was five o'clock, when the captive
lady would be taking her afternoon tea. The puzzle is to discover
exactly how far Sir Edwyn de Tudor had to ride.


The distance must have been sixty miles. If Sir Edwyn left at noon and
rode 15 miles an hour, he would arrive at four o'clock--an hour too
soon. If he rode 10 miles an hour, he would arrive at six o'clock--an
hour too late. But if he went at 12 miles an hour, he would reach the
castle of the wicked baron exactly at five o'clock--the time appointed.

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