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(Money Puzzles)
A London policeman one night saw two cabs drive off in opposite
directions under suspicious circumstances. This officer was a
particularly careful and wide-awake man, and he took out his pocket-book
to make an entry of the numbers of the cabs, but discovered that he had
lost his pencil. Luckily, however, he found a small piece of chalk, with
which he marked the two numbers on the gateway of a wharf close by. When
he returned to the same spot on his beat he stood and looked again at
the numbers, and noticed this peculiarity, that all the nine digits (no
nought) were used and that no figure was repeated, but that if he
multiplied the two numbers together they again produced the nine digits,
all once, and once only. When one of the clerks arrived at the wharf in
the early morning, he observed the chalk marks and carefully rubbed them
out. As the policeman could not remember them, certain mathematicians
were then consulted as to whether there was any known method for
discovering all the pairs of numbers that have the peculiarity that the
officer had noticed; but they knew of none. The investigation, however,
was interesting, and the following question out of many was proposed:
What two numbers, containing together all the nine digits, will, when
multiplied together, produce another number (the _highest possible_)
containing also all the nine digits? The nought is not allowed anywhere.


The highest product is, I think, obtained by multiplying 8,745,231 by
96--namely, 839,542,176.
Dealing here with the problem generally, I have shown in the last puzzle
that with three digits there are only two possible solutions, and with
four digits only six different solutions.
These cases have all been given. With five digits there are just
twenty-two solutions, as follows:--
3 x 4128 = 12384
3 x 4281 = 12843
3 x 7125 = 21375
3 x 7251 = 21753
2541 x 6 = 15246
651 x 24 = 15624
678 x 42 = 28476
246 x 51 = 12546
57 x 834 = 47538
75 x 231 = 17325
624 x 78 = 48672
435 x 87 = 37845
9 x 7461 = 67149
72 x 936 = 67392
2 x 8714 = 17428
2 x 8741 = 17482
65 x 281 = 18265
65 x 983 = 63985
4973 x 8 = 39784
6521 x 8 = 52168
14 x 926 = 12964
86 x 251 = 21586
Now, if we took every possible combination and tested it by
multiplication, we should need to make no fewer than 30,240 trials, or,
if we at once rejected the number 1 as a multiplier, 28,560 trials--a
task that I think most people would be inclined to shirk. But let us
consider whether there be no shorter way of getting at the results
required. I have already explained that if you add together the digits
of any number and then, as often as necessary, add the digits of the
result, you must ultimately get a number composed of one figure. This
last number I call the "digital root." It is necessary in every solution
of our problem that the root of the sum of the digital roots of our
multipliers shall be the same as the root of their product. There are
only four ways in which this can happen: when the digital roots of the
multipliers are 3 and 6, or 9 and 9, or 2 and 2, or 5 and 8. I have
divided the twenty-two answers above into these four classes. It is thus
evident that the digital root of any product in the first two classes
must be 9, and in the second two classes 4.
Owing to the fact that no number of five figures can have a digital sum
less than 15 or more than 35, we find that the figures of our product
must sum to either 18 or 27 to produce the root 9, and to either 22 or
31 to produce the root 4. There are 3 ways of selecting five different
figures that add up to 18, there are 11 ways of selecting five figures
that add up to 27, there are 9 ways of selecting five figures that add
up to 22, and 5 ways of selecting five figures that add up to 31. There
are, therefore, 28 different groups, and no more, from any one of which
a product may be formed.
We next write out in a column these 28 sets of five figures, and proceed
to tabulate the possible factors, or multipliers, into which they may be
split. Roughly speaking, there would now appear to be about 2,000
possible cases to be tried, instead of the 30,240 mentioned above; but
the process of elimination now begins, and if the reader has a quick eye
and a clear head he can rapidly dispose of the large bulk of these
cases, and there will be comparatively few test multiplications
necessary. It would take far too much space to explain my own method in
detail, but I will take the first set of figures in my table and show
how easily it is done by the aid of little tricks and dodges that should
occur to everybody as he goes along.
My first product group of five figures is 84,321. Here, as we have seen,
the root of each factor must be 3 or a multiple of 3. As there is no 6
or 9, the only single multiplier is 3. Now, the remaining four figures
can be arranged in 24 different ways, but there is no need to make 24
multiplications. We see at a glance that, in order to get a five-figure
product, either the 8 or the 4 must be the first figure to the left. But
unless the 2 is preceded on the right by the 8, it will produce when
multiplied either a 6 or a 7, which must not occur. We are, therefore,
reduced at once to the two cases, 3 x 4,128 and 3 x 4,281, both of which
give correct solutions. Suppose next that we are trying the two-figure
factor, 21. Here we see that if the number to be multiplied is under 500
the product will either have only four figures or begin with 10.
Therefore we have only to examine the cases 21 x 843 and 21 x 834. But
we know that the first figure will be repeated, and that the second
figure will be twice the first figure added to the second. Consequently,
as twice 3 added to 4 produces a nought in our product, the first case
is at once rejected. It only remains to try the remaining case by
multiplication, when we find it does not give a correct answer. If we
are next trying the factor 12, we see at the start that neither the 8
nor the 3 can be in the units place, because they would produce a 6, and
so on. A sharp eye and an alert judgment will enable us thus to run
through our table in a much shorter time than would be expected. The
process took me a little more than three hours.
I have not attempted to enumerate the solutions in the cases of six,
seven, eight, and nine digits, but I have recorded nearly fifty examples
with nine digits alone.

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