With the pack well squared in the left hand face down, bring the right hand over it, thumb at the rear, fingers on the outer end. Make a motion of squaring the ends and at the same time press the fingers back a little making the ends of the deck s... Read more of Double Lift at Card Trick.caInformational Site Network Informational
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(Problems Concerning Games.)
Here is a new little puzzle that is not difficult, but will probably be
found entertaining by my readers. It will be seen that the five dominoes
are so arranged in proper sequence (that is, with 1 against 1, 2 against
2, and so on), that the total number of pips on the two end dominoes is
five, and the sum of the pips on the three dominoes in the middle is
also five. There are just three other arrangements giving five for the
additions. They are: --
(1--0) (0--0) (0--2) (2--1) (1--3)
(4--0) (0--0) (0--2) (2--1) (1--0)
(2--0) (0--0) (0--1) (1--3) (3--0)
Now, how many similar arrangements are there of five dominoes that shall
give six instead of five in the two additions?


There are just ten different ways of arranging the dominoes. Here is one
of them:--
(2--0) (0--0) (0--1) (1--4) (4--0).
I will leave my readers to find the remaining nine for themselves.

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