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The Japanese Ladies And The Carpet


Three Japanese ladies possessed a square ancestral carpet of considerable intrinsic value, but treasured also as an interesting heirloom in the family. They decided to cut it up and make three square rugs of it, so that each should possess a share in her own house.

One lady suggested that the simplest way would be for her to take a smaller share than the other two, because then the carpet need not be cut into more than four pieces.

There are three easy ways of doing this, which I will leave the reader for the present the amusement of finding for himself, merely saying that if you suppose the carpet to be nine square feet, then one lady may take a piece two feet square whole, another a two feet square in two pieces, and the third a square foot whole.

But this generous offer would not for a moment be entertained by the other two sisters, who insisted that the square carpet should be so cut that each should get a square mat of exactly the same size.

Now, according to the best Western authorities, they would have found it necessary to cut the carpet into seven pieces; but a correspondent in Tokio assures me that the legend is that they did it in as few as six pieces, and he wants to know whether such a thing is possible.

Yes; it can be done.

Can you cut out the six pieces that will form three square mats of equal size?


If the squares had not to be all the same size, the carpet could be cut in four pieces in any one of the three manners shown. In each case the two pieces marked A will fit together and form one of the three squares, the other two squares being entire. But in order to have the squares exactly equal in size, we shall require six pieces, as shown in the larger diagram. No. 1 is a complete square, pieces 4 and 5 will form a second square, and pieces 2, 3, and 6 will form the third—all of exactly the same size.

If with the three equal squares we form the rectangle IDBA, then the mean proportional of the two sides of the rectangle will be the side of a square of equal area. Produce AB to C, making BC equal to BD. Then place the point of the compasses at E (midway between A and C) and describe the arc AC. I am showing the quite general method for converting rectangles to squares, but in this particular case we may, of course, at once place our compasses at E, which requires no finding. Produce the line BD, cutting the arc in F, and BF will be the required side of the square. Now mark off AG and DH, each equal to BF, and make the cut IG, and also the cut HK from H, perpendicular to ID. The six pieces produced are numbered as in the diagram on last page.

It will be seen that I have here given the reverse method first: to cut the three small squares into six pieces to form a large square. In the case of our puzzle we can proceed as follows:—

Make LM equal to half the diagonal ON. Draw the line NM and drop from L a perpendicular on NM. Then LP will be the side of all the three squares of combined area equal to the large square QNLO. The reader can now cut out without difficulty the six pieces, as shown in the numbered square on the last page.

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