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The Primrose Puzzle


Select the name of any flower that you think suitable, and that contains eight letters. Touch one of the primroses with your pencil and jump over one of the adjoining flowers to another, on which you mark the first letter of your word. Then touch another vacant flower, and again jump over one in another direction, and write down the second letter. Continue this (taking the letters in their proper order) until all the letters have been written down, and the original word can be correctly read round the garland. You must always touch an unoccupied flower, but the flower jumped over may be occupied or not. The name of a tree may also be selected. Only English words may be used.


The two words that solve this puzzle are BLUEBELL and PEARTREE. Place the letters as follows: B 3-1, L 6-8, U 5-3, E 4-6, B 7-5, E 2-4, L 9-7, L 9-2. This means that you take B, jump from 3 to 1, and write it down on 1; and so on. The second word can be inserted in the same order. The solution depends on finding those words in which the second and eighth letters are the same, and also the fourth and sixth the same, because these letters interchange without destroying the words. MARITIMA (or sea-pink) would also solve the puzzle if it were an English word.

Compare with No. 226 in A. in M.

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