Commom Offenses Under this head are grouped a few of the more common offenses against good form in letter writing; some of these have been touched on in other chapters. Never use ruled paper for any correspondence. Never use tinted paper fo... Read more of Being Appropriate—what To Avoid at Business Letter.caInformational Site Network Informational
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(The Guarded Chessboard)
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The puzzle is to move the single rook over the whole board, so that it
shall visit every square of the board once, and only once, and end its
tour on the square from which it starts. You have to do this in as few
moves as possible, and unless you are very careful you will take just
one move too many. Of course, a square is regarded equally as "visited"
whether you merely pass over it or make it a stopping-place, and we will
not quibble over the point whether the original square is actually
visited twice. We will assume that it is not.


The only possible minimum solutions are shown in the two diagrams, where
it will be seen that only sixteen moves are required to perform the
feat. Most people find it difficult to reduce the number of moves below
[Illustration: THE ROOK'S TOUR.]

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