The Guarded Chessboard)
Now then, ye land-lubbers, hoist your baby-jib-topsails, break out your
spinnakers, ease off your balloon sheets, and get your head-sails set!
Our race consists in starting from the point at which the yacht is lying
in the illustration and touching every one of the sixty-four buoys in
fourteen straight courses, returning in the final tack to the buoy from
which we start. The seventh course must finish at the buoy from which a
flag is flying.
This puzzle will call for a lot of skilful seamanship on account of the
sharp angles at which it will occasionally be necessary to tack. The
point of a lead pencil and a good nautical eye are all the outfit that
we require.
This is difficult, because of the condition as to the flag-buoy, and
because it is a re-entrant tour. But again we are allowed those oblique
The diagram explains itself. The numbers will show the direction of the
lines in their proper order, and it will be seen that the seventh course
ends at the flag-buoy, as stipulated.