There was once a great king of England who was called Wil-liam the Con-quer-or, and he had three sons. One day King Wil-liam seemed to be thinking of something that made him feel very sad; and the wise men who were about him asked him w... Read more of THE SONS OF WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR at Stories Poetry.comInformational Site Network Informational
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(The Guarded Chessboard)
Place the remaining eight White pieces in such a position that White
shall have the choice of thirty-six different mates on the move. Every
move that checkmates and leaves a different position is a different
mate. The pieces already placed must not be moved.


Place the remaining eight White pieces thus: K at KB 4th, Q at QKt 6th,
R at Q 6th, R at KKt 7th, B at Q 5th, B at KR 8th, Kt at QR 5th, and Kt
at QB 5th. The following mates can then be given:--
By discovery from Q 8
By discovery from R at Q 6th 13
By discovery from B at R 8th 11
Given by Kt at R 5th 2
Given by pawns 2
Total 36
Is it possible to construct a position in which more than thirty-six
different mates on the move can be given? So far as I know, nobody has
yet beaten my arrangement.

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