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(Unclassified Problems.)
Anderson, Biggs, and Carpenter were staying together at a place by the
seaside. One day they went out in a boat and were a mile at sea when a
rifle was fired on shore in their direction. Why or by whom the shot was
fired fortunately does not concern us, as no information on these points
is obtainable, but from the facts I picked up we can get material for a
curious little puzzle for the novice.
It seems that Anderson only heard the report of the gun, Biggs only saw
the smoke, and Carpenter merely saw the bullet strike the water near
them. Now, the question arises: Which of them first knew of the
discharge of the rifle?


Biggs, who saw the smoke, would be first; Carpenter, who saw the bullet
strike the water, would be second; and Anderson, who heard the report,
would be last of all.

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