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(Money Puzzles)
A man went recently into a dairyman's shop to buy eggs. He wanted them
of various qualities. The salesman had new-laid eggs at the high price
of fivepence each, fresh eggs at one penny each, eggs at a halfpenny
each, and eggs for electioneering purposes at a greatly reduced figure,
but as there was no election on at the time the buyer had no use for the
last. However, he bought some of each of the three other kinds and
obtained exactly one hundred eggs for eight and fourpence. Now, as he
brought away exactly the same number of eggs of two of the three
qualities, it is an interesting puzzle to determine just how many he
bought at each price.


The man must have bought ten eggs at fivepence, ten eggs at one penny,
and eighty eggs at a halfpenny. He would then have one hundred eggs at a
cost of eight shillings and fourpence, and the same number of eggs of
two of the qualities.

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